Concluding Remarks || WEEK 11

    The entries in this blog have come to an end. However, the influence is still impactful until the end. All the knowledge I have gained will always be kept in my mind. The subject EDU456 has tremendously taught me a lot. I remembered I was quite demotivated as I was incompetent when it comes to using technology. Thankfully, Dr Hayati told us that she will teach us as much as she can. I felt much relieved after. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic that is going on, we have to modify the tasks. Finally, the lecturers decided to assign us to write entries about Web 2.0 that can be used as teaching and learning tools.

What I've learned from Web 2.0

    From my understanding, Web 2.0 is websites that emphasize user-generated content and it is the ease of use to the users. The most important feature is it allows users to interact and collaborate with each other through the website which is in contrast to Web 1.0, where people are allowed to only view the material. 
Some instances of Web 2.0 are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Wordpress, Blogger, Padlet, Google (Classroom, Docs, Slides, Forms, etc.), Kahoot, Quizlet and many more. It is impossible to list everything in just one entry because there are too many of them.

    Before I started doing this task, I've never thought of how important Web 2.0 to be included in our education system nowadays. After I have done some research (in order to write the entries), I have changed my mindset. It is very IMPORTANT for the education system to include Web 2.0 in the teaching and learning process. This is due to the fact that our world has been developing and evolving with technology. Therefore, I believe it is important for us to include it in order to stand par with other countries' education system. 

    'Technology will only ruin the students'

    If we don't watch over their activities, then yes, it can happen. However, we've been too preserved that it is difficult for us to accept any constructive change. These people should read and learn more about Web 2.0 as from my observation, the benefits of using Web 2.0 in teaching and learning process outweigh the disadvantages.

    'What are the advantages?'
  1. Interaction, communication and collaboration. It helps build a sense of community, improves interaction and communication among the educator, students, and other people, and encourages teamwork and resource sharing.
  2. Ease of use and flexibility. Web 2.0 is very easy-to-use and flexible. Some of the traditional learning systems are too static, while Web 2.0 tools remove time constraints by providing a more flexible learning environment that is not limited to classroom walls.
  3. Knowledge creation. Technology enables students to become creators of knowledge. As it gives students the opportunity to create content themselves instead of just listening to lectures, and this supports active and student-centered learning in which students take responsibility for their learning. It also creates an environment where a teacher becomes a facilitator of learning rather than a distributor of knowledge. 
    These are some major advantages of using Web 2.0 as a Teaching and Learning tool in our education system. There many more if you dive in Web 2.0 more. All in all, it is equally important to use Web 2.0 effectively and conduct the class properly and constructively. Therefore, I strongly urge educators and future educators to gain and learn as much knowledge regarding the usage of Web 2.0 to have smooth teaching process.

What I've learned from EDU456?

    At the beginning of the semester, I thought that it would be difficult for me as I am quite uneducated regarding technology, including Web 2.0. But, I was wrong all this while. I've been using Web 2.0 the most at this moment of life. It just the fact that I don't know the term used to call it. Difficulty? It is much easier than I thought of. I just need to do some research and learn more about it.

    Honestly, I am quite thankful that the lecturers for this subject assign us this task to write entries about Web 2.0. I've learned a lot from it. Purposes of the website, steps to use, benefits for teachers and students, and many more. If I didn't get this chance to make a research about Web 2.0, I won't have as much knowledge about it as much as I have now. After all, I believe all the knowledge that I've gained, can be used effectively in the future as I will be an educator inshaAllah.

    In a nutshell, I strongly believe that it is crucial to include Web 2.0 in our education system for more productive and effective teaching and learning process. In order for us to stand par with other developed countries, we have to use all the advantages as much as we can for the betterment. Hence, I urge educators and future educators to learn more about Web 2.0 in order to have a smooth teaching and learning process and able to assist the students in using it. With that, I'll end my entry with a prayer, may we find the best system in our education system and most importantly, may Allah(God) always protect us from any harmful diseases. 

Insyirah. Sign out.


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